Events FAQs

Jigsaw Dating Event Frequently Asked Questions 

What’s the difference between a happy hour event and a speed dating event?
Happy hours are mixer-style events where attendees have two hours to mix, mingle, and connect with one another. We have custom event materials and activities to help you break the ice! Coffee shop speed dating events are more structured and provide a more intimate environment compared to the happy hour bar setting. Speed dating rounds last a few minutes each so you have time to connect with each person you meet. Both events have a dedicated host and reserved Jigsaw section at each venue. 

I’m at the event, how do I find my host?
Follow the posters that say “this way” to the event and find the poster that says “wait here for host.” Our Jigsaw hosts have a Jigsaw pin + Jigsaw t-shirt or black t-shirt on! If they aren’t at the host stand, please wait for them to return so they can check you in online and get you a set of materials. 

Do I need an ID to attend?
Yes, all attendees should have a government-issued ID on-site that matches the name they used at check-in. All guests must be 21+

What should I wear?
Dress your best! We recommend going casual/comfy, but look good feel good, right?

How many people come to events?
Each city is different, but we typically see an average of 50 attendees per happy hour event. It will always range depending on your region and event type! Some events (like the Speed Dating format) are more intimate than others, with 20+ attendees. Happy hour events are all capped at 150 attendees to ensure that you have a great experience. 

Do you do anything to manage gender splits/ratios?
We only release a limited amount of male/female tickets for each heterosexual singles event. Our team keeps a close eye on the headcount leading up to the events so we can update accordingly. For the Queer Singles Happy Hour, we offer one general admission ticket type, as attendees have the option to self describe their gender and we aim to have a diverse mix at each event.

Are these events LGBTQ+ friendly?
Queer Singles Happy Hour events are specifically for LGBTQ+ attendees. Singles Happy Hour events are open to everyone, but cater to a heterosexual audience. Coffee Shop Speed Dating events are available for those seeking heterosexual relationships at this time. The Jigsaw team is dedicated to creating a safe space for everyone to date.

I have a venue recommendation! Who do I tell?
Please email with your recommendation. If you’re a venue looking to partner, please attach photos of the space, the address, and the capacity for consideration. 

I can’t make it to the event, can I get a refund? 
Our ticketing system does not allow us to issue refunds for events that have not been cancelled or postponed. If you can’t make it to the event and would like to request credit for a future event, please contact with the email you used to purchase your tickets. 

I’m gonna be late, what do I do?
Check in for happy hour events closes 45 minutes after the event start time, you can still attend if you arrive later, but you may have to wait for the host to return to the host stand. Check in for speed dating closes 30 minutes after the event start time. If you arrive later, this will throw the event ratio off and you may not get the opportunity to connect with each attendee in the lineup. We strongly recommend arriving before check in closes in order to experience the entire event. If you can no longer make it, contact for assistance.

I bought tickets for a friend and want to transfer them, can you help? 
Each ticket has a unique code, if you’ve purchased multiple tickets, you’ll get an email for each ticket in your inbox. Forward this email to your friends so they can easily check into the event. 

I never received my ticket, can I still get into the event? 
If you haven’t received your ticket, reach out to the Jigsaw support team ahead of time! You can contact us through Facebook messenger or We’ll ensure you’re able to get into the event.

I’m above/below the age range, can I still come? 
This event is 21+ but geared towards those ages 25-40. If you are below 25 or above 40, you are still more than welcome to come and we’d love to have you there, but be aware that most attended fall between this age range.
I met someone at the event but didn’t get their contact information, what do I do? 
The best way to find this person and reconnect is to become a Jigsaw member and check for members nearby!  ​​Daily matches are sorted by location and compatibility so you'll easily be able to see the latest attendees in your area.

What’s so special about Jigsaw events?
We have the largest collection of singles events in the US! Each event is curated so that you have several ways to connect with other singles in your area. Our team designs custom icebreakers and connection materials for you to use at the event to meet others. We ensure that each event has a dedicated space for all single attendees and that everyone there is committed to connecting IRL! All of our dedicated hosts are trained to help you along the way.

What’s the difference between the ticket styles?
All three ticket tiers unlock access to the event and the same exact features. The difference is the time that you purchase your ticket.
- Early bird: limited number of cheaper tickets available for the first few early attendees!
- General admission: largest quantity of tickets available once the event details are announced to the public
- Final release: limited number of last minute tickets that are released after the event is sold out

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